

What is an Annuity?

An annuity is a financial product that provides a steady stream of income, typically used for retirement purposes. It is a contract between an investor and an insurance company, where the investor makes a lump sum payment or a series of payments, and in return, receives periodic disbursements starting either immediately or at a future date.

Types of Annuities

There are several types of annuities, each with its own characteristics:

Fixed Annuities

Provide guaranteed minimum income payments. The interest rate is fixed and does not change over time.

Variable Annuities

Payments vary based on the performance of investments chosen by the investor. These can include stocks, bonds, and money market instruments.

Indexed Annuities

Returns are linked to the performance of a market index, such as the S&P 500.

Immediate Annuities

Payments begin almost immediately after a lump sum is paid.

Deferred Annuities

Payments begin at a future date, allowing the investment to grow over time.

Qualified Longevity Annuity Contracts (QLACs)

Provide income later in life, typically starting at age 85.

Qualified and Non-Qualified Annuities

Qualified annuities are purchased within a retirement plan, while non-qualified annuities are purchased outside of retirement plans.

Requirements for Selling Annuities

To sell annuities, you must meet certain licensing requirements:


Compliance for Selling Annuities

Compliance involves adhering to both state and federal regulations:

Contracting to Sell Annuities

The process of contracting to sell annuities typically involves:

Sales Process of Annuities

The sales process generally includes the following steps:

How to Sell Annuities

Selling annuities involves understanding the needs of your clients and matching them with the right product. Here are some tips:

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